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Explore Everyday Items Made

with Extra Care

Discover how we produce everyday items with extra delicacy that makes them timeless, using materials that are safe for the planet and the people.

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The Hallmark for Transcending Elegance and Preserved Future for Everyone

We enrouted with a sincere vision to produce products that our customers really want and expect from us – consistently. We forge everyday essentials into something indifferent — something more than mediocre.

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    We’ve started modestly, but our visions are immense: we strive to personalize the experience for each customer.

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    Through our resolution in making products that deliver outstanding value, it means the world to us if we make your life even just a bit better, happier.

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    We put the planet and its people first — by thoughtfully reducing the environmental impacts of our products to the minimum.

Hi, We’re Handmade Studio

Foreseeing the trends and the desires of the man of the future, we initiated our journey a few years back with the sole ambition of setting new standards in quality and reliability — by forging products that feel personal.

We’re culture-driven, and we’re obsessed with values that everyday people like you find positive. Studying your needs deeply, we strive to engineer products that you can feel proud of — to make them your companions for everyday days and hours.
If there's one thing we'll never lose our guards on, is the safety and sustainability of our planet. This is the reason every piece made by us is 100% ethically sourced and responsibly produced — satisfying the planet and its people.
Clara Williams, Joyce Harper, Tanya Caldwell
The Founders of Handmade Studio

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